Collon and dimples- the gold sash for Glico


One has not forgotten. The pack of bliss compacted, rolled up, vanillin compressed, or curled up under your fingers, the eggy biscuit, either way you see it. The splay of tiny tumblers, Glico Collon.  

Strawberry(?) or chocolate. And cream flavoured egg roll. In glico over 40 years in Singapore, thaiglico comes in polka dot prints, and strawberry. The classic biscuit roll design had no smiley faces.   

Glico Strawberry Collon (SGD 1.00)

The brown coat, toasted, more than usual was plain, less complex. Like unflavoured Hong Kong egg roll. The strawberry cream curdled, flat. Still, a strawberry collon crisp and soft in one, not sure to have the tube in half or whole. 

P.S. Glico {Pocky, Hello Panda, Pucca} has been around for 4 decades. It emerged from the cookie competitors with its uniformity in standards and optimum surface-to-volume ratio confectionery. The 40 years veil highlighted the strawberry, how the creme blended in with the pink, how we would (go for chocolate or cream), but thankful for this mediator, it was the only colour tided through the earthly cream and chocolate and almond.